What makes VendorS different from other shop solutions?
VendorS helps you to create ideal prerequisites for increasing your online sales. You enable your customers to purchase the product where they — e.g., coming from a search engine — find it mentioned on your website for the first time, whether this is a test report, a product description, or expert information. The days when the editorial section of a website had to be presented separately from the e-shop are well and truly over. Integrated selling is the key to successful online sales.
With VendorS you...
- enable the ordering process directly from where the product is mentioned, e.g., in a piece of news, or in an article
- integrate perfectly matching products — driven by semantic links — depending on user behavior
- create automated up- and cross-selling campaigns
Website and shop are easily intertwined
- Maintain all shop pages using the marketing-oriented RedacS CMS
- Automatically create product variants with their own article numbers
- Additionally combine VendorS with ConfigS, the configurator for complex or non-self-explanatory products
Detailed feature list
Product information
- all information is available in several languages (translations)
- Description:
- Product name
- Short description
- Long description
- Specifications
- Internal comments
- Parallel designation (for the search, e.g., a less formal name for the product)
- General information about when you start/stop selling the product
- Short URLs
- Meta descriptions for SEO
- Restriction to certain customer groups (n-many, requires login)
- A product may be contained in n-many freely definable product categories (e.g., shoes for men, special campaigns, outdoor shoes)
Product relationship types
- Up-selling (similar products at a higher price)
- Cross-selling (similar products at the same price)
- Down-selling (similar products at a lower price)
- Accessories (related products)
Product types
- freely definable
- your choice; for semi-automatically generating product variants (T-shirt: blue, yellow, red; sizes S, M, L, XL)
- your choice; can be displayed on the detail page (e.g., for specifications)
- your choice; can be used for quick search / filter (for setting up the filter, the attributes marked as "quick search" are used and represented to then display products for a given page). With the help of the quick search, users can highlight products matching their choice of attributes.
- your choice; can be displayed for more detailed search options in the extended search
Tax rates
- n-many tax rates: with start and end date
Postage & package flat rates
- numerous options for defining postage & package by flat rates/by price/by weight/by volume/by size (also in combination and in a freely definable order; can be inherited by products of the same product type)
- separated by open and processed orders
- status updates for Open, Partially Open, Settled, Issues
- overview of the complete order
- create (partial) deliveries directly from the system, incl. PDF generation
- create (partial) invoices based on (partial) delivery notes
- modify invoice and delivery address
- multiple addresses possible for every customer
- You'd like to know how the online user found you? Ask them a question with n options for answers
Customer condition groups
- Manage any number of price lists and customer prices using so called customer condition groups which you can map to your online customers
- Any number of price lists
- Price on request
- Highlight products with a discount
- Highlight products that can be leased
- Specify the currency for the price / price list
- Specify the VAT rate for the price / price list
- Postage & package can be modified (and inherited by product type): Highlight as "packaged individually" and "no p&p"
Size specifications for the product:
- Length, width, and weight
Media (asset database)
- any number of media in any type of category
- Documents (PDFs, Office documents, etc.) can be grouped in categories
- Images incl. picture galleries (created automatically) and image maps
- Films
- etc.
Product visualization
Product categories
- freely definable product category tree
- Availability of visuals and modifiable templates for categories and sub categories
Freely definable templates:
- Product detail pages
- Modifiable product detail pages with layout of your choice (picture, picture gallery, prices (incl. RRP or special prices & calculation of deltas with modifiable text such as "Save 10%"), product name, short and long description, attributes, specifications
- Display product relationships (accessories, up-, cross- and down-selling)
- Product lists
- Modifiable product lists, same as with the detail pages
- Product category page with sub category list
- Modifiable category list page with display of a visual and the respective sub categories
Controllable semantic links
- Controllable, context-sensitive display of products and product lists on pages designed by the editorial team
Integrate configurable products if the "Configurator" module was ordered
- Jump from a product to the configurator and, at the end of the configuration, back to the cart with the configuration created