SaaS — renting instead of buying

Investment on demand

The e-business suite is a budget-saving, investment-proof SaaS solution. SaaS means "Software as a Service".

You rent the system at a fixed price and will benefit automatically from future extensions. We take care of hosting and security and make sure that the AcantaS e-business suite will continue to remain state-of-the-art. This applies to all its elements, of course, whether you intend to use RedacS on its own or in combination with VendorS and/or ConfigS.

You keep control of all the costs

There are one-time costs for setting up the Web presence, followed by a running fee for renting the system. After the first year you can cancel your subscription any time for the following month. This gives you planning security for your online commitment.

Services, pricing, and support

Our PDF price list gives you an overview of all one-time and running costs for the e-business suite's components.

Aside from technical maintenance work, which is of course included in the package to ensure smooth running of the Web applications, we also offer support for our software products. This includes support for working with the CMS, minor work on texts or graphics, or database queries and evaluations. Simply choose which one of our three Service Level Agreements (SLA) best suits your needs.

Download the General Terms and Conditions Act and our current price list: